Percent Score
Ecological Soundness
Socio-Economic Impacts
Compliance with Governance and Institutional Mechanisms
To be recognised as an AGI, a nominated large scale tree planting initiative must garner at least 60 per cent of the total score per criterion.
Ecological Soundness: 55%
- Use of a selection of indigenous species which may –
a. Include both pioneer species and slower maturing species typical of more advanced succession stage; and
b. Provide shade, shelter, and food to attract wildlife living in adjacent areas. - Invasive alien species and genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should not be used.
- The trees to be planted should be suitable to the natural biophysical characteristics of the area, and as such, should, as far as applicable, be suitable to the climate, original topography, soil, and elevation of the area before degradation.
- The tree planting activity should contribute to increasing the ecological value of the locality (e.g. enhance or support pollinator populations, improve ecosystem services, etc.).
- The tree planting activity should contribute to improving site resilience, respond to climate change impacts, and where feasible, demonstrate rehabilitation of degraded habitats.
- As far as practicable, minimise the use of chemical pesticides and artificial control agents.
- Maintenance and protection interventions must be programmed to ensure the survival and sustainability of the replanted trees.
Socio-Economic Impacts: 15%
- Participation of stakeholders in the planning process, as well as the planting, maintenance, and sustainability of the trees is highly desirable, even when the planting is on government or privately owned land, and should be promoted, wherever appropriate.
- Tree planting should, as far as practicable —
a. provide subsistence and livelihood opportunities to traditional and local communities in the area;
b. provide health and well-being benefits to the community;
c. support the traditional and indigenous knowledge systems and practices; and
d. use readily available local seeds and planting materials and/or support the development of local nurseries to produce these materials.
Sustainability: 15%
The proponent should implement maintenance activities for at least one year after the planting to ensure the survivability of the planted seedlings.
Compliance with Governance and Institutional Mechanisms: 15%
- The reforestation protocols to be followed are in accordance with existing national environmental policies of the participating parties’ respective countries, and compliant with any additional requirements as may be reasonably imposed by the relevant government agencies of the AMS where the activity is conducted.
- Land may be owned publicly by government agencies and bodies at national and/or local levels; privately by individuals or companies; or collectively by indigenous peoples or local communities. In each case, the decision to plant trees in the area must be agreed upon, and involve the owners/managers of the land.
- The proponents of the tree planting activity have obtained the necessary legal requirements and/or permits from the appropriate government authorities.
- The tree planting activity should follow zoning and other applicable land use plans.
- The tree planting initiative should support national reforestation programmes and contribute to compliance to international commitments and/or multilateral environmental agreements (MEAs); where relevant.
- Environmentally appropriate collection, handling, and disposal of waste materials shall be in place. The use of single-use plastics should be avoided.
A proponent that registers its tree planting activity for inclusion in AGI, meets the criteria, and submits the required documentary requirements, may be recognised as compliant and receive an AGI Certificate.
In addition to inclusion in the roster of ACB partners, large-scale initiatives shall receive an AGI plaque of appreciation, in accordance with the following categories:

5,001 to 20,000 trees

20,001 to 50,000 trees

50,001 to 100,000 trees

over 100,000 trees
The indicative date for the launch of the AGI and the first call for nominations is in 2021. The call for nominations will be every two (2) years beginning 2022 until 2030. The deadline for submission of nominations is 21 March, which coincides with the annual celebration of International Day of Forests. Nominations received after 21 March of the first year from every call will be considered for the next awarding cycle. In which case, the first call for nominations will be at the launching in 2021. The deadline for submission of nominations will be on 21 March 2022, in time for the first awarding in 2023. Each nomination and awarding cycle will cover two years, inclusive of the awarding date.
Proponents may be awarded with higher levels of recognition by updating their nominations with the AGI Secretariat, which shall keep its database current, and facilitate the evaluation of additional trees planted or tree planting activities nominated under a proponent’s portfolio. The promotion of an initiative to a higher category based on the increase in the number of trees planted shall be awarded every two years beginning 2025. The deadline for submission of updates to a proponent’s portfolio is on 21 March 2023 and every 21 March every year thereafter, until 2030.