“To restore denuded forests, preserve and propagate threatened native tree species, and
protect biodiversity to leave a legacy of a verdant Philippines for the next generation,” is the
objective of BINHI: The Greening Legacy of the Energy Development Corporation.
The initiative, covering a total of 2,572 hectares from its six energy sites spread all over
the Philippines—Burgos Wind Power Corporation, Pantabangan-Masiwat Hydro Project,
Bacon-Manito Geothermal Production Field, Southern Negros Geothermal Field, Tongonan
Geothermal Field, and Mt. Apo Geothermal Production Field – has already planted more than
a million of 36 native tree species. In particular, the geothermal reservations where EDC
operates are hosts to 344 species of birds, 39 species of bats, 25 small to medium-sized
mammals, 51 species of amphibians, and 55 species of reptiles. It has partnered with local
communities, farmers’ associations, the local government and the Philippine Department of
Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to ensure the continuous survival of the trees